Thursday, October 30, 2008

An outdated Government

Our national government was founded from our constitution; the constitution was adopted in 1787. 1787 people! And after 27 amendments we still are relying on the Electoral College to elect our nation’s president. And that’s not the only institution created by the constitution that I believe needs a modern update, but I’ll get back to that in a moment. I understand why the Electoral College was created in the first place, because back in the day (pre 1800’s) the common folk were not privy to or educated on political processes or inclined to take interest because the hustle and bustle of everyday living back then was all consuming that’s all they had time to think or worry about. Yet now-a-days we have all these excellent inventions to spread the knowledge about. With the radio, television, and the internet available to the masses as well as more and more college graduates then before I believe we could now rely on our own public mass to make an informed/educated on who should run our country. In this day and age I do not believe the Electoral College is necessary for “informed” votes to be accumulated to elect the president. The constitution should be updated to reflect the nation’s current social and economic status.
Also what is up with the Congress being able the pass and create laws that are unconstitutional and then later sometimes years or even decades later they are overturned in the Supreme Court. The congress can do that because they can get away with making a law that is contrary because of the fact that the constitution can be so loosely interpreted. If the constitution was more straightforward I think that Congress wouldn’t be able to get away with creating unjust laws in the first place. Therefore I believe in the projects that professors and undergrads are undertaking in splitting up the constitution amongst separate groups of themselves and editing their particular portion to be more comprehensible and reflect modern times, and then compiling them together into one whole revised and modern const. I do believe the restrictions and freedoms of the national government should be “updated”.


dsteed said...

I have to disagree about the Electoral College being changed or “updated”. I also disagree that the constitution needs to be rewritten to reflect modern times. The Electoral College was made a long time ago, but why change something that works. Also it would be unrealistic to get rid of the Electoral College because the smaller states, which the system helps out, would not want to change. So why spend a lot of time trying to convince many small states to change when we have a system that works. The Constitution was written for the purpose to be interpreted, also we have a system of being able to change or make amendments. Why don’t we just use the system that is already there to make changes instead of rewriting the whole document where there is potential harm. If we started to rewrite the Constitution what would stop special interest groups trying to put in stuff promoting their group over other people. I am not opposed to making any changes at all; I just feel that the Constitution should be left alone unless it is being amended, not rewritten.

JSeg23 said...

I agree with the title "An outdated Government". The government is like an old beat up house that people still live inside without making any real changes at all. This house is creaking, full of cobwebs, smelly, and, as you put it, outdated! A makeover should lead to a reflection of our times, for we do not live forever for government. I agree with the change of the Electoral College. If small states work out alongside the EC, then it should be appraised for those states, but not as the country as a whole. Moreover, the EC should be revised in a pure manner that will entail to not only the "Specially informed" voters, but to everyone! For instance, if this recent EC process (coming January) once again disturbingly elects a president who clearly lost the popular vote, then there is a problem that will withhold more problems in this nation. And the EC will be frowned upon once again.

As for the Constitution, this should also be updated and wiped of the 18th century cobwebs. Granted, that this is a firm piece of paper that glues our nation together, I think the Founding Fathers had a good viewpoint into the creation of a national government. Therefore, I think a gradual evolution of the Constitution should be appraised and presented to clear the way of our modern generation and generations to come. Honestly, I don't see how we as a nation haven't already done this. It clearly states in documentation that we could evolve upon the Constitution. I believe the Founding Fathers wanted it that way in the first place. Unfortunately, it can be placed in the wrong hands of our government and be used in an unfair advantage. So updating this would be a fresh of breath air, as long as the straight-forwardness is unveiled as a true following of the age it was created.

So, yes, this government is outdated. It needs an affirm makeover that would reflect modern times. The governmental past is for those that lived in that time alone, and we must live in the present, for all is there is the "now".