Friday, October 3, 2008

What's One More War?

Andrew J. Bacevich is a professor of history and international relations. His column first ran in the Los Angeles Times. My critique is over the edition in the Austin American Statesman. Bacevich seems to be commenting on the war in a liberal fashion. Directing his attention toward the fact that nothing has been resolved by way of the Bush Administration applying armed force.
What’s one more war? We’re already throwing tons of billions of dollars into the “War on Terror”, it’s just a deficit, we can start another war even in a financial crisis. Bush is getting America into it’s third war right before the end of his term. Proclaiming that Pakistan is the key to gaining the upper hand and possibly terminating Taliban and Al Qaeda terrorism. Bush has already thrown 13 billion dollars at the Pakistani president Pervez Musharraf in a policy that was aimed at aiding the “elimination” of terrorism by the Taliban and al Qaeda. According to Bacevich Musharraf is a incompetent dictator who did little action on his end of the deal and no progress was made toward defeating terror by befriending the Pakistani president. I agree that Bush should not lead us into another war, Afghanistan and Iraq have finically drained us enough we should not prod Pakistan.

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