Friday, November 14, 2008

Boo to Ignorance! Yay to Education!

After reading Miss Cobb’s editorial commenting on the amount of ignorance our country has equated to I couldn’t help but think damn-straight, yet I also couldn’t help but feel that yes something needs to be done about our education system. I think they way she presented her argument was perfect in ending with the U-tube videos. Yes and HAHA some our fellow citizens actually believe some of that stuff! Yeah there should definitely be something going on the help rectify the ignorance of country. Listening to those church ladies speak of political leaders needing to be “where they need to be with god” blew my mind. I couldn’t help but feel like they were brainwashing that teen girl. What is our nation coming to? I am glad to find that others agree that education state by state could use some heavy re-forms. Yes schools are deluding important issues which have great affects on our political views later on. I loved the fact that she used a Thomas Jefferson quote to help back up her points. I must re-state it "What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites." Thomas Jefferson even way back when knew that oppression and intimidation would leave I guess half of us ignorant. That is what’s happening in our education systems they are oppressing certain issues and our intimidated into doing so. Therefore you cannot say that we are not responsible for our own ignorance, and those who know this yet chose to do nothing about it are hypocrites. Right on Jeri!

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