Thursday, October 16, 2008

Can McCain handle his/our buisness?

Bill Hare’s blog “McCain Implodes; Women Will Not Forget”, is right on in calling out McCain’s interviewee shortcomings. However I really didn’t catch the connection with women not forgetting, yet he did mention briefly the awkward exchange between the two presidential nominees about the abortion issue. I mean it was definitely referenced, but the blog seemed to be more focused on McCain being offensive in his mannerisms, and not being that well of a public speaker. If a potential president can’t handle himself in stressful public situations do we really want him handling the nation’s affairs or dealing with foreign leaders? “In the third debate McCain made his first two appearances look like controlled perfection as, in an effort to be aggressive and cut into a strong lead that Obama holds in national polls, sputtered, sighed, mumbled and grimaced.” He is intimidated; he couldn’t even hold ground during the second debate. He kept pacing back in forth as if a little kid holding it who needed to badly visit the restroom.
Yet McCain is trying to convince the public that he is ready to be a president in a way that his rival is not, he went on to say that he would “look Vladimir Putin” in the eye upon meeting the Russian president. Uh yeah ok, “Oddly enough, as noted by numerous viewers, McCain looked edgy and appeared unwilling to look Obama in the eye.” It seems as if McCain isn’t ready to handle such a position of importance, he can’t even control his facial expressions, which as a public speaker he should have a handle on. He’s totally giving himself away, when the important and delicate issue of abortion was brought up the Arizonan Governor “responded in a manner that might well have reduced him to instant political tumbleweed.” McCain does not seem to understand the importance of understanding itself. “Instead McCain in a few seconds that will haunt him for the rest of the campaign, he grimaced, made hand gestures resembling an over the hill baseball umpire trying to decide whether to call a base runner out or safe, then launched into a response that was not only bad politics, but belittling and discomfiting such a serious topic, not to mention mean-spirited.” In conclusion, I agree with Bill Hare, do we as a nation want this man to have access to the nuclear trigger?

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