Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Bailout Blunder?

Should the government be throwing so much money at these industries that need bailouts? Should these industries receive any aid from the government because of bad mortgages and decrease in investors? Yes our economy is ailing and something needs to be done. However to me I think this is only a good idea because of the need to save the jobs of thousands and thousands. I don’t know if relying on the support of international investors in our treasury is quite a good idea however. Can we really believe that all those loans can be paid back, isn’t that going to cause a slew of problems later? Is no one worried about our nation’s deficit? This credit bailout seems like in incredibly slippery slope to me.
Mr. Paulson (our Treasury Secretary) who originally had proposed to congress that “the government would have bought up toxic mortgage-backed securities at a premium over their current deflated values.”, but instead he used money for direct investments into troubled financial institutions. It is his idea that to bolster financial markets would make it easier for creditworthy barrowers to obtain loans. Isn’t that whole this whole mess began, giving out credit left and right to people who were maybe not ready to handle the amounts of credit allotted to them? America does not need any more credit; we need more financial stability and more jobs.

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