Friday, December 12, 2008

Yay! Gay Adoption

I am posting in response to Alma’s Political Thoughts’ post titled ‘A small victory for gay adoption’. I am shocked but also glad that the country is making more leeway for gay rights with the decision the Florida Court ruled on that a ban on gay adoption was unconstitutional. That gives me some sort of faith in our court system to denounce the laws that get through legislation even though they are unconstitutional; especially something as big and important as gay adoption.
I mean there are so many orphaned children in need of loving families. Do those people opposing gay adoption really believe that a child is better off in an orphanage or Foster Care than being in an environment where two loving people who have time to raise, show love, and offer that child a home? There are an estimated 120,000 orphans in Foster Care that are eligible for adoption, the rate and number of getting children adopted would be a lot higher and faster. I mean do they believe gay couples are not capable of being able to provide a loving and caring enough environment to raise a child. That just goes back to equal rights. I advocate the actions of those who are challenging the system for gay equal rights and the right to adoption.

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